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Continuing Professional Development Policy and Plan

COH-Logo-WPThe College of Healing recognises that part of its duty, as an Educational Charity dedicated to providing professional training for Healers, is to ensure the continued development of qualified practitioners.

A Continuing Professional Development programme (hereafter described as CPD) will:

  •  Enable the Professional Healer to develop and enhance his/her skills, both in practice and theory, professionally and personally.
  •  Benefit and protect the public by having a more informed and up-to-date Practitioner.

It will be necessary for the Practitioner to show evidence (in the form of an Annual CPD Record) that Continued Professional Development or in-service training has been undertaken for 12 hours minimum every year.  Included in the 12 hours at least 6 hours per year must be earned by formal shared learning or peer group discussion.

 What counts as CPD?

Professionally facilitated supervision
This could be on a one to one basis or within a supervision group.  A supervision group is a medium for the discussion of professional issues relating to Healing or the practitioner’s specialist area of work.

Attendance at a seminar/lecture/workshop

Individual research leading to an article being published in a reputable Healing journal or similar.

Research and preparation leading to the publication of a book concerning areas in the field of Healing.

Individual reading and study of books, papers and journals

Distance or on-line learning

Full new course qualification – (e.g. specialist certificate, degree or in associated therapy) – maximum three years CPD.

Attendance of organisation meeting
Committee meetings, representative of local or national Therapy organisation, voluntary post on committee or sub-committee etc.

Course preparation and presentation
There should be certified additional knowledge gained and/or advancement of practical skills specific to the practitioner’s therapy, or additional learning in other associated areas, which could be seen to enhance the practitioner’s ability and knowledge, in both self development and professional expertise.

It is necessary that the minimum 6 hours per annum be earned by formal shared learning.  The majority of practitioners work as self-employed and therefore do not have the opportunity of shared information and gaining new ideas from others.  The College sees this as an important element of personal and professional development.

Registered practitioners will be responsible for keeping an up-to-date portfolio of evidence of all CPD work he/she has completed.   Upon request this portfolio of evidence must be presented to the College, and contain sufficient evidence of the CPD work carried out.

The practitioner will be responsible for providing the evidence required in a way which is simple to assess.   No recognition will be given where an area of work fails to provide such proof.   This could be achieved by completing a record which answers the following questions:

What did you do?  Why?  What did you learn from this?  How have/will you use this?  Do you need to take any further action?

The portfolio should also contain such material as copy certificates, seminar summaries or notes taken, receipts or tickets of attendance to conferences, workshops or lectures, or signed attendance receipts from organisers.

CPD evidence should be submitted upon written request within one month.  This usually happens when applying for or renewing membership of the COHMA. An extension of this period of 3 months grace for extenuating circumstances may be applied for.

Failure to comply with CPD requirements will result in COHMA membership being cancelled, removal from the Directory of Healers and de-registration with UK Healers.

NB:  The College reserves the right to amend or increase the requirements for CPD.  The Policy will be reviewed by the College at least every five years. 
