Fran Doidge MIFPA MC0HMA BSc Physiology and Biochemistry
Fran graduated with The College of Healing in 1991.
Since then she has integrated her Healing skills into a successful Massage, Aromatherapy and Healing practice for 30 years.
Her focus now is helping people in pain using her Healing and showing people how to help themselves with Healing exercises and Self-care methods.
She runs workshops where she supports people in pain on a low wage.
She also runs Spiritual workshops helping people to work with their subtle senses and access their Higher Self.
Since qualifying Fran has been a member of on-going Healing supervision groups and has worked in the Advanced Healing Negative energies Group since 2004.
Fran holds a BSc in Physiology and Biochemistry. As well as being a member of the College of Healing Membership Association (MCOHMA), she is a member of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).
Fran values the training she received from The College of Healing greatly as she knows that she would not have been able to maintain a Massage practice for 30 years without accessing and using the Healing energies; allowing her to maintain good health throughout.
Fran lives in Cradley near Malvern with her partner Mark and she has a daughter and grandson in Coventry and a son in Cheltenham.
Fran loves birding, walking and gardening.
Her website is