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1 Day Course: Setting the Boundaries – 20th July 2024

Open to those on or post Foundation / Basic Practitioner / Diploma courses

Course summary:

“Setting the Boundaries” is a one day event that is all about giving a glimpse into this vast topic on how we as individuals can healthily look after our own thoughts, emotions, health, body and time. We all are aware that boundaries differ from person to person and are mediated by variations in culture, personality, and social context. And we will be taking a glimpse into all aspects of how boundaries do affect us all. We will be looking at our own self-esteem and self-awareness whilst respecting others, to maintain and sustain healthy relationships.

So, we will be exploring our own journeys and giving ourselves the time to use strategies to help us outline what we as individuals need to focus on. By doing so, this will begin to give clear signals not only to ourselves, but to those whom we are in contact with, i.e. family and friends, work colleagues, and those we give service to when we step into our healing role for our clients, both distantly and on a one-to-one basis. Healthy boundaries define what is appropriate behaviour in our relationships – and therefore behaviour that keeps both parties safe.

So, if you wish to empower your expectations on recognising how boundaries can be created, then come along to my Cabin and begin the process to see how you can achieve clarity within a world that may seem rather chaotic.

We will be using a variety of techniques including meditation  and visualisations to aid us throughout the day. And of course, most importantly, sharing our thoughts around this vast topic “Boundary Setting”, knowing that we will be exploring fresh insights within a safe and secure environment.

I look forward to seeing you on 20th July 2024… the kettle will be on!

A Zoom meditation will be available to those wishing to experience part of this day, but who are unable to attend in person and take part in the full day.

Facilitator: Lizzy Gunning


£60 per person for the day

£15 per person for attending the Zoom Meditation

Venue: Daleswood, Britons Lane, Linley Brook, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 4TA

Refreshments will be provided. Attendees should bring their own lunch.

To book: contact Lizzy Gunning via email:  or mob: 07485 133378

Beginners Foundation Courses 2 weekends


Our students share a calling to bring down love for family and friends, calling down a greater power on a regular basis, and keeping their own inner strength gently simmering. It’s called faith.  The flavour of whatever we choose to call on varies according to our Inner soul vibration. Stand in your own light knowing that every positive action, however small, makes a difference.

AGM, 7th June 2023 – 40th anniversary celebration

Looking at memorabilia


Sonraya Grace gave a talk and signed copies of her new book

Presentation of certificates

Singing happy birthday to the College

Of course there was a cake

What a team!

COH hoodies!

as seen at the AGM


Steve and Meg model their new COH hoodies at the AGM. Blue organic cotton, full zip, hood, two pockets and an embroidered COH logo.  Cost: £45.00 plus P&P.
Full range of sizes available but we order in small batches so there may be a wait time. Get in touch at if you would like to place an order.

Exploring the Yin Polarity

10 June 2023 plus more dates tba


A few informal photos from the “Yin Day” – an introduction to working with the Yin polarity. Yin energy is what we need to develop to work at the intuitive/ psychic end of of the spectrum (Yang energy is more strong and direct – where we need to be when working with negative or powerful energies).
The day was a great success and a series of five follow-on days are planned. If you missed the first one but would like to get involved it’s not too late. Get in touch at to find out more.


We have enjoyed:

Dreams Workshop March 2023

The hidden depths of the Heroine’s Journey

Tutor Training Course Elementals Weekend February 2023

Advanced Healing Group

Methodology to work with Practitioner graduates towards their Advanced Healing
Our journey through the elements and the elementals this weekend brought forth ways to understand more deeply our Inner world.
Our mutual respect and honour for our fellow tutors brought us insights and feedback as we unfolded a greater appreciation of the elemental beings. We thank the Elementals for visiting us and increasing the depth of our knowledge and understanding of these incredible worlds around us.

Practitioner Students Healing Practice – Healing Clinic

As we learn to offer Healing to others we are expressing ourselves with love and grace.  Our training is creating therapists who first of all know themselves through deep self development work. Only then are they able to be with a person’s grief, torment, guilt, envy, self hate and bring them to a place of inner peace  harmony and deep self love.

Our central focus for our work together. The more we express our true inner nature and are absolutely real and honest about what makes our heart sing …what we chose to bring into our life … the closer we are to Universal love in this life. We plant new seeds of divine wisdom into our world while at the same time keeping ourselves grounded to deal with everyday life.

With deep Humility and trust of their own process our studenst have the courage to face the dark night of the soul which is getting in the way of them trusting that their dream can indeed come true. WE CAN TRUST WE CAN BECOME BALANCED HEALERS FULL OF INTEGRITY, CONFIDENCE, AND INSIGHT; OR LIGHT WORKERS WHEREEVER WE FIND OURSELVES, ABOVE ALL SHARING A DEEP LOVE WITH ALL WHOM WE MEET.

Tutors of the College of Healing have many years of experience both in Healing and other therapeutic disciplines, as well as considerable experience in teaching and running groups. Each learner will be allocated a Tutor Mentor.They support you to elevate your consciousness to a deeper understanding of yourself and your inner spiritual world.

Spontaneous happiness of being together and the sharing in a safe harmonious place of love and joy.

Exploring Healing through Creativity

AGM June 2022

Our Chairman of Trustees, David Balen, expressed on our behalf our incredible thanks to Diane O’Connell who has stepped down as Principal. She has brought us to our celebration of 40 years. Steve Lawrence from the Management Committee was delighted to thank Sue Knight, Chief Executive of the Confederation of Healing Organisations, for her presentation updating new developments within the Healing world.

Teaching for the College

On 6th December 2020 we ran “An Online Introduction to Teaching The Foundation Course” for anyone who had completed the College of Healing’s Practitioner or Diploma Course. It was an opportunity to spread the word about Healing, to develop new skills and to introduce more people to the College, to learn about course content, practicalities of running a course, running costs and potential earnings, support and mentoring from COH. The cost was £10.00.

Diane O’Connell talk at the Cheltenham Mind Body Spirit and Wellbeing Show, 6 July 2019

One of the big issues of our time is stress and ill health and how this affects our national economy and our individual lifestyle. Bad diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep etc. all affects our energy system (mind/body/spirit) and over time will make us out of balance. Unless we are able to correct this imbalance, any lifestyle changes that we try to make can be really difficult. It is important that we start to bring our energy back into balance so that the lifestyle changes have a good effect. Learn simple self-healing techniques to help you in your daily life.

Diane spoke on this at the Pittville Pump Room, Cheltenham on 6th July 2019 as part of the Cheltenham Mind Body Spirit and Wellbeing Show. Details at these links:



You can download an article based on the paper from Prof. Paul Dieppe, Exeter University, published in the Journal of Holistic Healthcare here: ArtHealingScienceCure.
