Diana Cooper on Ascension

Home Members Forum Amazing and Inspiring People Diana Cooper on Ascension

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  • #2282
    Fran Doidge

    Diane Cooper is running a 3 part workshop inviting you to Ascend – we’ve just missed it but it’s good to know it’s happening

    October 13th, 20th and 27th 11.00 PST 19.00 GMT

    This unique, live course with world-renowned angel expert Diana Cooper is perfectly timed to take advantage of the extraordinary energy shifts that we are experiencing. There has never been a better time to raise your vibration and energy frequency with the help of the archangels and your guardian angel. Register today for this exclusive, three-part live event in which you can call in and ask Diana questions about the angels and archangels and discover your own gifts and true soul purpose.

    October 13th, 20th and 27th 11.00 PST 19.00 GMT
    Register Now for only $99/ £65.00 AU $140

    In this powerful, thee-part live online event your will discover the gifts encoded deep within you from the time of Atlantis, open your Earth Star chakra, and meet your guardian angels and the archangel that overlights you. You will experience the extraordinary power of Archangel Chamuel as he opens your heart and Archangel Gabriel will help you to discover your mission here on this planet. You will also receive blessings from the unicorns as Diana attunes you to their pure light of unconditional love which will heal your personal and karmic wounds.

    See her video;

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