Tony has channeled HA (Helio-arcanophus High Priest of Atlantis) for many years. His amazing wisdom and stability was the inspiration behind the ethos of The College of Healing.
Tony’s books;
Channelling for Everyone
Secrets of planet Earth
New Dimensions in Healing
In this last book he gives us an exercise for ancestral Healing .
Imagine your generations of ancestors and all that happened to them. You are the product of all of that experience. Some of the patterns, programmes, beliefs, health conditions, behaviours and even problems may have been passed on down the generations. Even if you have little knowledge of who your ancestors were they might still be affecting your journey in some way. You may learn how to work with your ancestors and those of other people; accessing their knowledge and guidance as well as healing their pain.
These books help us to understand better the world of spirit and how life may have been in Atlantis. We are able now to listen with our hearts and souls to the qualities and possibilities from times past and bring them into our present and future. His wife Ann has brought her own flavour of love, support and gentle encouragement to many lives.
Thank you both for many years allowing me to be the true me and to embrace who I am gladly. XX