College of Healing Membership Association – Membership Levels
Membership to The College of Healing Membership Association is open to anyone who has an interest in Spiritual and Energy Healing, regardless of whether you are currently practising in a professional capacity or whether you would like to be kept in touch with on going developments within the Healing world and support its progress.
If you are currently practicing as a Professional Healer then you are welcome to join the College of Healing Membership Association as a Member. Eligibility is dependent on you holding the College of Healing Practitioner certificate, MCOH, ACOH or an equivalent qualification, having evidence of fulfilling the current CPD requirement and holding professional insurance.
Members are required to adhere to the College of Healing Code of Conduct.
Cost of membership: £55.00 p.a.
Members of The College of Healing Membership Association who have gained the College of Healing Diploma qualification and completed a research project in Spiritual and Energy Healing are awarded the title Fellow member.
Membership of the CoH Membership Association as a Friend is open to anyone who has an interest in Spiritual and Energy Healing and wishes to support the College of Healing. You may be a Healer who only offers Healing to family and friends with insurance.
Cost: £15 p.a.
To join as a friend please contact the College Administrator on 07742 497263 or email
If you are currently studying on the Practitioner in Spiritual and Energy Healing course then you will automatically be registered as a Student member of the COH Members Association.
Are you an MCOH or ACOH who we may have lost touch with?
If your membership has lapsed you are always welcome to renew.
If you are no longer a practising Healer, you would be welcome to join the College of Healing Members Association as a Friend.
Are you a member of another Healing organisation and would like to hear about what is happening in the College of Healing?
You would be welcome to join as a Friend.
For further information, or to apply, please contact the College Administrator on 07442 497263 or email