After completing the Practitioner Course in Spiritual and Energy Healing students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding by exploring important topics which are very relevant in any successful healing practice. These take the form of modules which have been designed especially to enhance the development of the Healer. Anyone who has completed the four Advanced Healing Modules will also be awarded a Diploma level accreditation. Each module runs over 6 days, usually either three weekends or two 3-day blocks.

The Butterfly is a symbol of transformation.
Module 1: Working with Advanced Healing Techniques
A 6-day course.
- Introduction and reviewing Energy Medicine and research in the 21st Century
- Advanced understanding of the Chakras
- Working with clients who are at the end of their lives
- Working with clients living with life limiting illnesses and disabilities
- The Therapeutic Relationship and working with clients with complex needs
- Past Lives and how they may impact on the Healing Process
Click here for more details.
Who can attend:
- Healers who have completed the College of Healing Practitioner Course
- Healers who are registered with UKHealers, GRCCT and CNHC
Forthcoming Dates, Tutors, Venue: tbc
Cost: £600.00 for members of the COHMA and £690.00 for non-members. A deposit of £100.00 will be required on booking.
There will be an additional fee of £20.00 for assessment at the end of the course. (Assessment is optional.) A certificate will be provided if all requirements of the course and the assessment have been completed.
Download the application form: ADH Application Form
Module 2: Advanced Healing Two – Exploring Negative Energies
A 6-day course exploring negative energies, internal and external to include: thought forms, attachments, links, spirit release, sub-personalities
- How we define negative energies
- A spiritual perspective on negative energies
- Developing your yang energy: protection and challenging
- Clearing links, clearing energy in space and place
- Negative energies in the aura; how they arise and how to clear them
- Clearing houses and the workplace
- Healing cases practical
Click here for more details of the course content.
Cost: £600.00 for members of the COHMA and £690.00 for non-members. A deposit of £100.00 will be required on booking.
There will be an additional fee of £20.00 for assessment at the end of the course. (Assessment is optional.) A certificate will be provided if all requirements of the course and the assessment have been completed.
Forthcoming Dates in 2024: 28/29 September, 26/27 October, 16/17 November
Tutors: Jo Radley, Ben Stevens, Meg McDonald
Venue: Bridge Hall, Great Malvern
Download the application form: ADH Application Form
Module 3: Working as a Healer with Elemental Energy
Our environment and place have a power to affect us and influence our lives in a subtle way.
This 6-day module will help you to explore, understand and work with the energies of Air Earth, Fire and Water and their context in our lives and those of your clients. It will also support you in your healing work whether you are working with individual clients, planetary situations or sending healing to the landscape.
We will cover:
- The part that Air, Earth, Water and Fire play in life.
- How an understanding of these elements supports us as healers
- How these energies work in us and can help us with our own self-healing
- The interaction between the elemental energy and the human kingdom
Over these 3 weekends you will gain an understanding of these energies which will give you another set of skills to enhance your work as a Healer and your personal spiritual development.
Forthcoming dates, Tutors, Venue: tbc
Cost: £600.00 for members of the COHMA; £690.00 for non-members. An additional fee for marking of written assessments may apply. (Assessment is optional.) A certificate will be provided if all requirements of the course and the assessment have been completed.
Download the application form: ADH Application Form
Module 4: Working as a Healer with Archetypal Energy
As we grow and develop as a Healer, we may feel that we need to develop further skills and resilience to deal with some of the more complex issues that our clients bring to us. Our advanced healing modules have been designed to expand the Healer’s range of techniques and deepen their understanding. A knowledge of Archetypal Energy is important in the development of the Healer. In this 6-day module we will cover:
- The different energies operating in life
- Exploring energies we may be unfamiliar with
- The historical context
- How myths and fairy tales reflect many of these energies
- How they operate within us
- How we can use them as Healers to help our clients come to terms with the different energies within themselves and their environments
- How we can use this understanding for our own self-healing and the healing of others
Forthcoming Dates, Tutors, Venue: tbc
Cost: £600.00 for members of the COHMA; £690.00 for non-members. A deposit of £100.00 will be required on booking.
An additional fee for marking of written assessments may apply. (Assessment is optional.) A certificate will be provided if all requirements of the course and the assessment have been completed.
Download the application form: ADH Application Form
Access to internet required
Access to online facilities will be needed by students, as part of the courses may be delivered online. This may include downloading material for self-study or participating in online meetings. For participation in online meetings students would need to have the use of a device (computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone) which either has a camera and microphone built into it, or external camera and microphone linked to it.
Personal Study
In additional to attending each module you may also be required to complete the following:
- A portfolio of assignments;
- Relevant case studies;
- A self development journal;
- Practical and written assessments.
All successful students will receive a College of Healing Certificate.
Further Information
- These modules are for the Advanced Healer who, to qualify must be either:
- A Member of the College of Healing Membership Association;
- Qualified to the level of UK Healers (UKH) National Occupational Standards;
- Registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) or General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapists (GRCCT).
- Accepted via an interview with a CoH Tutor and can show through Prior Learning that they are qualified to attend.
- Successful graduates may be awarded full membership of the College of Healing (MCoHMA) and have the opportunity to be registered on the College’s referral list.
- If you have already gained a qualification through a UK Healers accredited training ( equivalent to our practitioner level) you are eligible to participate in any of these modules to further your knowledge or fulfil your CPD (Continuing Professional Development) requirements.
- Module fees include all materials and practical assessment. An additional fee for the marking of written assessment may apply. (Assessment is optional.)