A Healer’s Story – About me…
In 1978 I graduated at Reading University BSc in Physiology and Biochemistry and then worked in Biochemistry labs in hospitals. While my children were young I knew I had to change direction and use my knowledge of the body systems in a more positive way for me so I enrolled on a massage course. On this course there were 4 Healers. I found the things they talked about made so much sense and explained so many of the things about life to me! Luckily, I had the resources to do the Healing course I have never looked back. I now combine my Healing skills with my massage and aromatherapy training. Much of the time I know my Healing flows through my intent to rebalance and maintain my client’s body. I just “know” what has to be done and can listen to the messages which their body gives me. I value and trust the intuition within me which has been hugely enhanced since my Healing course and, through all the trials and tribulations in life, I have maintained a clear sense of direction. Clarity of what is right for me and the clear intent to make it happen has enabled me to maintain a successful practice for more than 25 years now. There are very few massage therapists out there who are still going after 25 years! Physically I have had very few issues over the years for which I am very grateful and for which I thank the training of The College of Healing. My son and daughter have now flown the nest and my grandson gives me great joy.
My practice from a Healing perspective
Often, using my Healer senses, I know that that there is a slower flow of Universal energy within the client. I gently encourage this to clear and be released. As I developed my sensitivity and confidence in my work, I found that I was able to offer help to people who presented with deeper issues. My deep level of training and knowledge and continual development was of paramount importance. The level of Healing energy which is allowed to flow is dictated by the level of training of the Healer and their own self development and dedication to their own Healing journey.
As I learnt more and experienced using the many Healing qualities which go together to form the Universal unconditional love around us, my confidence in dealing with the many types of Healing cases increased. This confidence was passed on to my clients who in turn understand better how they can also help themselves
Our own lifestyle has a real impact on our energy levels. My clients and I together create relaxing images and positive inner pictures which help them to improve lifestyle work/play balance. These can be used on a regular basis at home and empower my clients as they make clearer decisions in life.
Listening to our inner guidance
The course stressed how important it is for us to take time to Heal and care for ourselves and to become more aware of the issues which hold us back from being who we are really meant to be. Listening to and spending time with our wise ‘Higher Self’ (the part of our spirit which is not incarnate within our bodies) is the key. Trusting this aspect of ourselves has a major effect on how we look after ourselves making us more effective Healers and people.
Positive everyday messages
Using positive affirmations (statements) while taking ourselves, in our imagination, to a positive place where you create a comfortable supportive haven is hugely beneficial. This inspires you to find a calmer place inside of you which you can use at home and in your work on a daily/hourly basis.
Opening more to my spirituality has guided my thoughts and actions
Our spirit gently guides us and prompts us into actions and thoughts that are ‘in tune’ with our very being which is specific to us as an individual. When our lifestyle fits in with (is congruent with) our very being then life just somehow clicks into place. It just works and feels a bit like magic. When we open to working with Healing energies we become more aware of our deeper selves.
Identifying my own particular portfolio of Healing energies
The Practitioner course allowed me to develop my own way of working with the many qualities of healing energy around us and develop my own unique way of Healing. I am able to support my clients and reassure them that I am able to support them through a difficult time and show them how they may best support and help themselves. It was explained that the clearer we are as a person the clearer and cleaner the Healing for our clients will be.
My sensitive communication and listening skills and trusting my intuition increased as I learnt to hear myself better. ‘Healer Heal thyself’.
The Wounded Healer
An important function of the Healing journal which I wrote as a student, was to record the issues which inevitably arose during my course. Our relationships are with the right people to make us more aware of ourselves; they help us see where we may be ‘stuck’ and give us the opportunity to see things differently. When we resist seeing things differently these people don’t seem to do the right things for us; but actually this is exactly what they are doing as they make us explore ourselves more deeply. I’ve learnt to trust and grow through this process; giving me insights to move on.
Yes it takes courage and a great deal of patience with both that person and, more importantly, ourselves. Hang on in there and all will be revealed!
The classroom was not the place to ask for advice and it was important that I had a course of Healing to support me and experience Healing myself. This process is very transformative helping to remove issues which are holding us back.
My commitment to this course opened up the time needed for me to support myself and feel held through the process above and gave me the chance to work with my own unique portfolio of Healing energies; to continue my own Healing process.
The process of offering Healing
We attune to the relevant Healing energy for the client according to their needs and ask that this Universal energy flows to their spirit to integrate this Healing energy into their own energetic matrix; the aura and chakra systems. We are taught both Distant Healing, when the person is not present, and 1:1, or contact Healing, when the person is in the room. The Healing process may initiate a response in the person and we explore how to deal with this and how we may support the person through any changes.
This is the beginning of a journey which can take your client as far as is right for them now – in their own way in their own time. Both you and the client benefit from your positive Healing intent and the unconditional love that you are offering.
How we become aware of the Healing process.
What is commonly known as the sixth sense allows people to see colours and/or pictures which represent the quality of the energy within and around the person. My particular best sense is the sense of touch which I use to sense the aura and the strength of the chakras; as well as areas in the body where energy is trapped. At all times we must remember that these pictures/feelings/senses are only representations of the energy as our sixth sense interprets the energy. We find our own ways to put our interpretations into action in an appropriate way.
My successful practice
Preparation of the healing/practice environment is of vital importance. I’m able to explain the scientific basis of Healing to my clients which has helped to expand my practice. My positive therapeutic relationship with my clients allows them to feel safe to share with me those things which are worrying them. If a relationship they are experiencing is felt to be disruptive this can be rebalanced using various processes including ‘the ties that bind’.
Your journey of knowledge, exploration and excitement over a period of 2 years
If you are thinking about joining the Practitioner course I highly recommend the 2 year transformative process which you will experience. It’s impossible to do this course justice in words. It has to be experienced. I continually call on the skills and the particular College of Healing energy which has developed and become stronger since it began in 1983. You may already be a therapist and the journey you take during this course may uphold and integrate your current way of treating. This under pins all you do with an inner knowing and integrity which clients recognise; they keep coming back because they know you are helping them.
You may simply be interested in the self-development which this course offers you and which will enhance any work or job which you are carrying out. Healing energy impacts on every second of our lives.
The support I received in creating a stronger more structured practice was reassuring and I left the course with a greater sense of direction and an increased focus as to where I was going with my therapy and all aspects of my life. 12 years later in 2003 I fulfilled my dream of creating a successful Natural Health Centre, which I called The Centre for Wellbeing, in Malvern. I have now been able to let this go at the right time for me and it’s now in the hands of 2 of my fellow therapists who are adding their own flavour and I remain a therapist there to this day.
I am part of a well-respected Healing College
I am delighted to be registered with the government body – The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and may also register with the General Register Council of Complementary Therapy (GRCCT).
Membership Officer of The College of Healing Membership Association.
I am proud to have been instrumental in supporting the re-development of this dedicated, well-structured and supportive Membership organisation which also offers Healers access to our on-line service, the Members’ Forum, which is regularly updated with all that is new in the Healing world. It also allows us to keep in touch and support each other wherever we are.
Facilitator for the College of Healing Introductory workshops
The College of Healing is keen that its Members are still a part of the growth and have developed the Introductory Courses so that they may be taught by said Members. I really enjoy passing on the skills and real potential offered by Healing to all those people who are looking for more in their lives; be it Healing for themselves or for others. These workshops are the starting point for anyone who wishes to enrol onto the Practitioner course.
What more can I say? I hope that I have given you a flavour and insight into a course full of the potential to enable you to be all you are truly able and meant to be.
Fran Doidge.
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