Find a Healer – Directory of COH Healers in the UK

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You can then click on the name at the top of the listing (usually in blue) to find out further information about them.
All of the Healers in our Directory are Members of The College of Healing Membership Association and fully insured as Qualified Healers. We are an Association of fellow Healer professionals whose standard of healing is second to none and who adhere to the National Occupational standards (NOS) for Healing. The College of Healing is a founder member of UK Healers (UKH). We are regulated by UKH which is the standard setting body for Healing training in the UK. The training of the member organisations is recognised by the General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapy (GRCCT) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). The UKH is also a verifying body for the CNHC membership. Senior members of the COH have been involved in the development and maintenance of standards at a national level.
Annie also works as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist offering self development, Soul Retrieval and Regression. Annie had tutored for the College on Healing and Integrative Counselling courses.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number +33 2 96 29 91 43 or 07720 040417 - if using mobile number please send text messages only - I will call you back.
Place Malvern, Worcestershire
A fellow and founder member of the College of Healing and Director of the Spirit Release Forum, David has been a therapist for more than 45 years.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 01684 5691005 – 07779 789047
Deborah is a Healing therapist with over 20 years professional experience. She is a licensed practitioner of Meridian Therapies with diplomas in Psychotherapy, Parapsychology, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, Dream Analysis and NLP.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 01905 455484
I facilitate healing using an integrated approach - combining conventional medicine with complementary therapies. The sessions are individual and unique - tailored to the individual specifically.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 07900 186 565
Elida Maria Matsumoto is a healer and researcher, living and working in Fukuoka, Japan. We have Meditation Groups, Healing Group, and offer short courses and workshops on the Basics of Healing and COH Foundation Courses encouraging self and professional development.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number +81 90-7442-0665
Sharing the College’s teachings via the Foundation, Practitioner and clinic sessions, enabling students and clients to develop at their pace, learning skills that will last them a lifetime….it’s a rewarding vocation.
For more details, click on the person's name above, usually in blue.
Business Phone Number 07856213525
As a healer and therapist I provide one to one confidential healing and my main focus is to self-empower the individual to find harmony and balance.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Phone Number 07814 694907 01489 564494
Place Malvern, Worcestershire
I am a member of a monthly advanced Healing group and attend regular Healing supervision. I gently incorporate Healing within my Massage and Aromatherapy practice and it supports and inspires me. I have recently trained in Coaching and am a Facilitator for TetraMap; a personality profile model.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 01886 880 100 - 07974 400 575
Place Broadway, Worcestershire
I offer Healing, Eden Energy Medicine, Reflexology and Scenar. I feel it's important to work *with* the body, not dictate - helping to de-stress and rebalance.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 07825221656
Place Wirral and Ceredigion
I began training in counselling in 1988 and have been a shamanic practitioner since 1991. I joined the College of Healing in 1994 and have practiced spiritual and energy healing ever since.
I qualified both as a Transformational Yoga Teacher and achieved a Masters degree in Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology in 2008 and then began fully incorporating shamanic and yogic practices into my healing work.
I am the only qualified Authentic Power Practitioner in the UK – a wonderful 4 year Mindfulness based spiritual-psychology training with Gary Zukav.
Click on the name above (usually in blue) for more information.
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number 07790 643216
As part of our membership requirements it is a condition that all of our members hold appropriate insurance to cover their Healing therapy. Proof of insurance is submitted to us at inception of a new membership application and at each annual renewal after that, however, The College of Healing will take no responsibility should a member’s insurance be discontinued at any time throughout the year after submitting their insurance documents to us.
Whilst we have trained our Healers to the highest standard, the College of Healing takes no responsibility for the actions of any of our qualified Spiritual and Energy Healers listed below whose details are given in good faith. We shall not be held responsible for any damages or costs of any type, arising out of, in or any way connected with the contract between client and Healer. Healing is not a replacement for conventional medical care and if you are in doubt about your healthcare choices, you should consult your GP or Doctor.
Our Request Distant Healing service is under review and therefore not available at this time.